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Easy Exercises To Do At Home

Exercises are known to be beneficial for your health and to improve posture. It is important that we spend some time doing exercises. What can you do if you are too busy during the day and tired after work? There are some simple exercises that you can do in between your work and it doesn't take much of your time. However, that doesn't mean that you should only do these. It is still recommended to do some cardio exercises to get your heart pumping.

Lets get started then.

These are one of the few simple and easy to follow exercises.

Put down whatever task you are doing and let’s do these exercises now.

  1. Forward bending in sitting.
    Sit on a chair with your feet on the ground. Put your hands on your thighs and slowly bend forward and down towards the ground. Hold in that position for 10 seconds and slowly sit back up straight. Repeat for at least 10 times.



  1. Trunk rotation
    Sit upright on your chair, make sure there isn’t any object beside you. Clasp both your hand in front of you and slowly turn your body to the left and then to the right. Repeat this for at least 10 times.

  1. Chest stretch
    Sit on a chair, put both your hand behind you and clasp both hands together. Push your hand backwards and downwards till you feel a stretch on your chest. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat at least 10 times.



  1. Shoulder retract
    Sit on a chair, bring both your hands straight to the front. Slowly bring your hands to the back with elbow bend and squeeze both shoulder blades together. Hold the squeeze for 10 seconds and repeat at least 10 times.



  1. Trunk side stretch
    Sit on a chair, with your right hand at your waist and left hand up straight above your head. Slowly bend sideway to your right without lifting up your buttock. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat at least 10 times each side.



Are you done with all the exercises above? Isn’t it easy? Try to set an alarm to remind you to do these exercises everyday. If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with our physiotherapists. We are always ready to help you.