How to deal with Muscle Soreness?

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  • Post category:Exercise

As we have talked about in the previous post, Muscle Soreness after exercise is normal because after a workout, there may be some minor tear of the muscle fibers where your muscles might be tender to touch or feel tight. It would usually last for 2 to 3 days.

If you have not seen the post yet, click here to read How to Differentiate Between Muscle Pain and Muscle Soreness?

If the muscle soreness gets too uncomfortable, here are a few things that you can do to help in managing the soreness.

  • Some of the best way to manage muscle soreness is to know your body’s limits and to stretch post-workout. Progress slowly into a new exercise program. Giving your muscles time to adapt will help to reduce the intensity of soreness.
  • Having a good rest, hydration and proper nutrition play important roles in promoting muscle recovery and help your body to stay ahead of soreness.
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  • Make time for recovery. Giving your body time to rest in between helps to promote recovery. Include some rest day and if you like working out everyday, you may consider splitting your workouts by muscle groups.
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  • Sport Massage. Massage is one alternative therapy that has significant effects in reducing the intensity of  muscle soreness. It is believed to reduce inflammation process within the muscle if administered within 2 hours.
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  • If you can’t find time to get a massage, you may try foam rolling. It helps to alleviate soreness and reduce muscle tightness.
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  • If you are experiencing pain instead of soreness, ice and heat therapy can often help to relieve pain depending on the severity of the injury
  • Ice should be applied to an acute or new injury as it helps to constrict blood vessels to reduce swelling and pain. It is best to consult a physiotherapist firs to know which to apply.

When it comes to pain that doesn’t go away, it is best to identify the problem quickly by visiting a healthcare professional.

Get in touch with us if you are experiencing pain.