Is Knee Brace beneficial to your knee?

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Knee pain is one of the most common pain that all ages experience, however it can also be one of the most frustrating pain when one needs to climb up and down stairs. Majority of them that complain of knee pain consist of elderly, athletes, adults that are active in sports, etc and most of them have the same answer to my question :

What did you do to help with your knee pain?

Their solution is to get a knee brace, which is what we will be discussing today – 

Is knee brace beneficial to your knee?

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Before we go into more detail, I will briefly explain about knee brace and their purpose. One of the most common knee brace that you see out there can be easily obtained from pharmacies or Watsons. The come in different shapes and sizes and each may have different function and purpose.

It is always advisable to seek for healthcare professional’s advice before getting one. The purpose of a knee brace is to provide support to knee in order to stabilize the knee and prevent further injury.

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So does knee support helps or benefit your knee? The answer is Yes and No.

If you had injured your knee recently and is in a lot of pain, a knee brace will help in relieving some of the pain and provide support so that injury can heal. However, if you were to continue wearing it after your injury has recovered, the answer is no. 


That is because the longer you wear a knee brace, the more dependent you are to the knee brace to help support your knee. As time pass, your knee muscles will become lazy and starts to weaken. When it comes to that stage, your knee muscles will not be able to provide enough support to your knee, resulting in more problem and potentially have to rely on knee brace all the time.

Therefore, if you are having any knee pain, consult a healthcare professional first before buying a knee brace. 

Exercise are always the best in combating knee pain!